Ten years later

July 15, 2021


There are musicians who have the ability to transform the immovable into
flexible, portraying soundscapes of stillness and silence. Nature as a source
of inspiration can only lead to balance, to reach the top for such artists, is
to have the virtue of stopping when movement stops  at the right moment and observe nature’s
pulse to make it its own, endowing with musical notes what previously was just

He began his training taking improvisation, harmony and arrangement classes
and studying at Musikene music school.Besides focusing his career as a guitar
and jazz language teacher, Miguel Salvador has collaborated with countless
artists, he is a Mauri Sanchis Band and Zubipeko band member and Marmara
Dixieland Band collaborator. He has participated in numerous references, both
national and international Jazz festivals. In 2007 he materialized his own personal Project releasing his first record in
2009, releasing “Viaje a Etreum” in
2011.  In 2012 he composed the music from
“Bajo Cero” the documentary and “Cervino” movie. In 2015, he releases his third
work named “Codigo”, with saxophonist
Javi Alzola collaboration.

Recorded at Tío Pepe studios in Urduliz by Unai Mimenza. “Ten years
later” is the consequence of the journey, the creative peak reached after
years of work by an imaginative and unrepeatable guitarist who is joined to its
achievement by three prestigious musicians from the scene. Marcelo Escrich playing double bass, Gorka Iraundegi playing drums and Bilbao pianist Jonathan Hurtado, the best possible
choice for the occasion.

The unalterable is sometimes supported by certain artists as a paradox,
sound as a landscape, nature painted by sound., Miguel Salvador along this record pays tribute and provides sound
to the majesty of the mountains and its unique
stillness through his guitar right from the self-title  song to “Jurekentzat”,
in  recognition to the great
mountaineer Jerzy Kukuczka figure on the thirtieth anniversary of his death.
The quartet, based on Salvador’s experimentation, devises the perfect
atmosphere, recreating the almost magical unreality of  Pyrenean forest in “Gamoeta”  driving us with the freedom that gender
provides, to the infinite spaces on “And the mountains spoke” and the beautiful orthodoxy on “Orizabako
citla”. Uniqueness of the Urkiola massif as a tribute to the Basque
mountains through the accessible melody on “Alluitz” while the unison between guitar and double bass
opens the space for experimentation coloring the Balaitus Pyrenees mountain , on
the fast-paced ” The great diagonal ”. The precious “Entre
trigales” (“Among wheat fields”) highlights author´s subtlety in a retrospective
glance towards his own origins, alternating guitar, double bass, and piano
solos as a contribution to a spirit of improvisation, always present throughout
the record. “Peña Castil´s ice cavern” in
the perfect sound frames contrast by the band, due to of the fascination for the
ancestral, timeless Peña Castil mountain in Picos de Europa

Ten years later” transforms the grandeur of nature
into flexible musicality through contemporary Jazz performed by a musician who
possesses the virtue of the precise moment, the exact balance of those who
observe the eternal pulse of the mountains, valleys and forests and make them
his own.

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