Only 26 years old and has come a really amazing way. The blues singer and guitarist José Luis Pardo started playing in bars in his native Buenos Aires about ten years ago, and soon became one of the most important guitarists in Argentina. The most surprising thing was when he was 19 years and he acted in some mythical city of blues of the United States, such as Chicago, Memphis, Clarksdale (Mississippi) or Arkansas, in places that have made history, sharing the stage with musicians like John Primer, Billy Branch, Super Chicken Jhonson, or Killer Ray Allison.The Mojo Workers was formed in 2004 by initiative of Pardo and Mariano Costa (drums), recording his first job immediately. Currently the group is completed by Mariano Llopis (contrabass), Adriano Torregiani (saxophone), * Nicholas Raffet (piano and hammond) and Francisco Salgado * (trombone), but the recording had the collaboration of several musicians.

J.L.Pardo & The Mojo Workers
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