Mikel Urretagoiena

Drummer and composer Mikel Urretagoiena belongs to that new generation of Basque musicians who have emerged as true references within the jazz scene. Graduated from the Conservatory of Music of the Basque Country Musikene, he completed his studies in Holland and New York to move to Madrid and start his professional career there, consolidating an incessant trajectory in many different projects. From the acclaimed The Machetazo, Primital or Griffo, to his participation in Ander Garcia Trio’s album Amahiru, Venga Que Si alongside pianist Luismi Segurado and double bassist Darío Guibert in their project Trezz, and his contribution to double bassist Fran Serrano’s debut album, 0202. Over time, the Guipuzcoan drummer has collaborated with artists such as Jorge Rossy, Perico Sambeat, Mariano Díaz, Julián Maeso, Rachel Therrien, Kukai, Iztiar Yagüe and Greg Izor. An artist whose journey is solidified with the launch of his own trio project, performing in numerous prestigious jazz festivals and clubs, culminating the experience with the release of this first record.

Basic discography

TREZZ “Venga que sí” (2023, Errabal Jazz)

THE MACHETAZO “Searching Hard” (2022, Errabal Jazz)

PRIMITAL “Zinc” (2022, Compact Disc Digital Audio)

THE MACHETAZO “A Vision In A Dream” (2019, Errabal Jazz)

ANDER GARCÍA TRIO “Amahiru” (2019, Errabal Jazz)

THE MACHETAZO “1290 Prospect Place” (2017, Errabal Jazz)

MIKEL URRETAGOIENA “Denbora” (2024, Errabal Jazz)

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