a poetry and music spectacle
Kirmen Uribe, Mikel Urdangarin, Bingen Mendizabal, Rafa Rueda.
This is the title under which the writer Kirmen Uribe and the musician Mikel Urdangarin travelled in the spring of 2003 to New York, where they gave six recitals in which they combined poetry and music. They took with them two other musicians: Bingen Mendizabal (an imaginative creator of sound tracks) on the violin and Rafa Rueda (a member of various rock groups) on the electric guitar.
The record-book is an elegant publication which includes 14 songs composed by Mikel Urdangarin and Bingen Mendizabal, which are sung by the two authors and the rock musician Rafa Rueda. In addition to 12 new compositions, the album also includes a version of Haitzetan and another of the popular song Atharratz Jauregian. The poetry and lyrics composed by Kirmen Uribe were written by him in three different languages. Each poem is illustrated with drawings by Mikel Valverde, who is also responsible for the general design of the book.
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