
Singing through the wall: Aurora Beltrán, Lucía Socam, Carmen París, Connie Corleone & Ernesto Cossío, Travellin’ Brothers.

Hondarribia, Itsas Etxea Auditoriuma

Songs for Western Sahara The main objective of this concert is to spread and denounce the situation that the Saharawi people are going through. At a time when public attention is focused on the genocide that Israel is committing in Gaza, it is more important than ever to remember that in 2025 it will be […]


Ermua, Lobiano kulturgunea

This is a solid R&B band based in Barcelona, ​​which combines elements of electric Blues, Gospel, Groove and Jazz to offer exciting and energetic rhythms. It is a group made up of four musicians with a long career who now join together to have the most fun on stage and offer the public a powerful […]


Barcelona, Jamboree

A silence between the notes, an invisible refuge. Breathing and imagining musical spaces where we can regain serenity, in compensation for the part of ourselves that constantly abandons us. To stop time while chaos unfolds outside, the inevitable. All this allows us to regain direction, the true nature of who we are and the authentic […]


Mendaro, San Agustin kultur gunea

A silence between the notes, an invisible refuge. Breathing and imagining musical spaces where we can regain serenity, in compensation for the part of ourselves that constantly abandons us. To stop time while chaos unfolds outside, the inevitable. All this allows us to regain direction, the true nature of who we are and the authentic […]

Markos Untzeta

Getxo, Begiradazko kioskoa

Markos Untzeta from Eibar began to give his first concerts back in 1996 at The White Swan Pub in England, and since he published his first album in 2002 he has carefully cultivated a beautiful and honest career as a folk-pop-country troubadour in the style of his admired classics of the genre. With that gritty, […]

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