Amets bat



1. Bera.   mp3
2. Perika.
3. Ilusioa.
4. Lasai.
5. Egun bat gehiago.
6. Askatasunik gabe.
7. Zeru infernu.
8. Kapitalista.
9. Ezinezkoa da.
10. Nick Drake.
11. Zu.

May 1999

Petti: guitars and vocals.
Kristina Arzallus: cello.
Garbiñe Goia: keyboard.
Fernan Irazoki: drums.
Mikel Irazoki: bass.
Beñardo Goietxe: choirs.
Fresko: clarinet.
Saioa Ataun: choirs.
Joseba Irazoki: slide.
Telletxea anaiak: drums and bass.
Maikel: recording and more things.

Collection of songs which send shivers up our spines with their
existentialism and with rhythmic roots in artists who are on the
limits: we are thinking about Tim Buckley or Nick Drake, in Nick Cave
or Tom Waits, thinking about them so we don’t go off the road.

Tipo de disco: CD
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