7.00 €
1. Deklarazioa.
2. Egunak.
3. Zazpi ehiztari. mp3
4. Ameriketan.
5. Laino grisak urdinak.
6. Itsasontziak.
7. Desioarena.
8. Eskatu dena guztia.
9. Zabiltzan bidean.
10. Itzulan.
11. Zuregana itzultzean.
12. Haritz libreak.
December 1999
Mikel Telleria: voice, acoustic guitar and harmonica.
Koldo Uriarte: piano and keynoard.
Juanjo Unzilla: electric guitar.
Josu Izagirre: bass.
Iker Uriarte: drums.
Asier Yarza: bass.
Mikel Telleria, a confessional singer-songwriter who shoots straight
to the heart, has finally managed to gather together twelve songs for
this record company. The tracks are filled with romanticism and
bittersweet lyrics guaranteed to bring a lump to your throat.