Family Folks

February 13, 2017

A band formed by Rubén Xuarez (Foggy Mental Breakdown, The
High Saws) and Bosco Bill (The Last But One), two recognised multi players in
Vigo´s scene working together since 2015 and accompanied by  Jorge López and  Martín López (The Allnight Workers, Dead
Wood), on rythm section ship  in a
project where  the leading roll are the
songs  invoiceed in a fifty percent by
the first ones. Small pieces out of experience and wisdom, a  countless stylistic influences melting pot
with Folk music as common denominator only to converge on this flawless record.

“All the lost cause”  is an acoustic  trip that commemorates folk tradition from
both sides of the Atlantic ocean right from the prayer “Jack Frost Blues”
inspired by american writer O. Henry with  standing out 
duo vocals as well as mandolin and acoustic guitars work  speeding up  in “Ladybird” carrying us by the hand to a
vitalist country music ground with sweet  harmonized vocals and love stories in a clever
composition work.

Sixtie´s Psychedelic tradition takes place  in “Song for wife & son” voices and sitar
in a  worthy hallucinogen Gram Parsons
and partners environment  to drive us
directly to the intense and dramatic 
ballad “Yuigon” based in a ritual samurai poem where the band  clearly moves away from  rythmical canons to explore more obsessive and
dark beats. New Yorker Dave Van Ronk`s “Bamboo” 
popularised  by Peter, Paul and  Mary is covered by the band in a outstanding
pop versatility exercise with own band´s sound sticking together around the
jewel “Sea of Whisky”,  the aggressive
and hypnotic “Let it rain” just to pour oil on trouble waters bringing us “The
day you left the throne” worthy to be found among  Jagger/Richards best ballads.

“Sisyphus” a bright an existencialist pop tune along with
the beautiful “All the lost causes” wich names the record, put an end to a full
of creativity recording where the band is joined by lots of great musicians
from Vigo´s scene. Mauro Comesaña, Xavier Vietez or Jann Zerega, from The Soul
Jacket; Andrés Cunha, from Oscar Avendaño and Reposado; Javier Reboreda, Yago
V. Pateiro And Marcos Frost, from The Last But One, Santi Mouriño (Bar, The
Marabunta) and Oscar Santomé (Mega Purple Sex Toy Kit), Antonio Tato, Shei
Sunshine and Bethania Garrido. An outstanding production work by Óscar
Liboreiro well known from The Soul Jacket and Vindaloo Rockets productions.

“All the lost causes” 
is signed in musical wisdom, built up from the roots by  two musicians who  still believe in the magic of music and lost
causes,  the ones some say are always the
best and  maybe, the only left.

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