The sound space of improvisation and jazz
a range of melodies and rhythms like the tango, the French musette or classical music come together from a new and original
perspective, and their leitmotiv is the sound space devoted to improvisation
and jazz.
The Aregentine double-bass player Marcelo Escrich and the Iruñea-Pamplona-born
accordion player Javier López-Jaso have been playing together for years; they
both belong to bands of various styles. Their music subsequently moved more
decidedly towards jazz and improvisation, and they opted to expand the band to
a foursome, by including Juanma Urriza (drums) and Luis Giménez (guitar).
The Javier López Jaso and Marcelo Escrich Quartet are now presenting their first disc,
“Pagoda”, made up entirely of original items. The result displays the
personal and musical affinity of the components of this project, with their own
musical influences and convictions, but at the same time they are deliberately
seeking originality, new developments in the composition and in their way of
playing it; their extreme sensitivity is always underpinned by respect for the
jazz tradition and good musical taste. Collaboration, counterpoint, dialogue,
exchange, sound textures and interrelations, extreme dynamics, games and new
sounds: this is what “Pagoda” is