In permanent seeking for different cultures, melodies, dances, and instruments

March 13, 2025

Ache Pa Ti reminds of a group of explorers in permanent seeking for different cultures, melodies, dances, and instruments not forgetting their Basque roots but being able to blend musical diversity with stunning easiness. Ache Pa Ti was created in Iruña/Pamplona 20 years ago by five musicians with different backgrounds as a meeting and experimentation point linked by two main passions, the love for Latin jazz and Cuban roots music, on the one hand, and Basque culture and traditional folk on the other. From that point they launched this project playing live and touring for many years and once the “euskocuban” concept was already fully consolidated and ready to record, they captured it in 2019 in “AUNITZ URTEZ” their debut album.

The presence and relevance of the txistu, an instrument that rules most of the melodies, leads and adapts to all kinds of Latin melodies and rhythms with enormous simplicity and naturalness, is particularly remarkable on this record. Ache Pa Ti demonstrates that boundaries between instruments, sounds and styles are only in our own minds.

The band does not intend to restrict itself just to that, far from it. In this second album, titled Bilakatzen (in transformation), they have traveled even further, more daring, and deeper, if possible, to end up bringing us another little treasure. Recorded live at Artica cultural center in March 2023, pop, jazz, and world music for all continents can be appreciated.  Caribbean Zortzikos, Mexican zapateados from the passacaglia, echoes of ancient Pyrenees, San Fermin songs and oriental dances combine into a whole that is impossible to refuse all led the txistu, more powerful, free, and cheerful than ever.

Current line-up as follows Fermin Goñi (txistu) -has a long career in bands like Sonora Candela, Erreka, Ferretería del Son, Huajalotes, Amparanoia, Tijuana and Moliendo Café. Joserra García (piano) -Busco a Jazz, Yerbabuena, Goazen go, Sonikete and Txuma Flamarike Band, Jokin Zabalza (bass and guitar) – Just Friend Trio, Goazen Go, Fresno, Fussion Project and “MOM” – Alex Ruiz Pastor (percussion) – Jazz Ensemble, Fusion, and Dani Arias (drums) – Ataitz, Barracus, Busco a Jazz, Zorongo, Yerbabuena, Piel de Luna, THC and Miss Undergroove.

The record features Andoni Zugasti percussion on “Eguberri”, in addition to the exquisite contributions from guest musicians such as Nerea Erbiti Larralde on vocals, Patxi Rodríguez Armenta played txistu on “Miladomi”, Javier Blázquez Etxapare on trumpet, Alberto Arteta on saxophone, Iñaki García Vergara and Iñigo Beorlegui Iriarte on trombones.

“Ache” is a word in Yoruba and the expression “ache pa ti” means a wish for good luck and happiness. With the gift of this exciting music in our hands, we wish the same to this wonderful band.


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