ELEVEN Prominent Soloists on One Disk

November 9, 2005

The musician Rafa Rueda has been the project’s director, in charge of the production and musical arrangements. The disk was recorded between July and August of 2005 in the Katarain Studio with Jonan Ordorika as technician. The mixes were finalized in September and after the mastering in London under the direction of Chris Lewis, it was released on the 18th of October, 2005 in an elegant digipack format.
Besides the already mentioned singers, the following musicians likewise took part in the disk’s recording: Rafa Rueda (guitars), David Gonzalez (bass), Rufo Urbina (drums), Mikel Azpiroz (keyboards) and Asier Ituarte (trombone). Each singer put a text to music and recorded it with the above mentioned musicians, creating eleven different universes, each enriching the disk.
The designer Mel Madaraz has taken charge of the graphic part of the CD jacket and the live performances have been coordinated by Edorta Jimenez. On stage the actress Argia Gardeazabal participates (Hortzmuga Theatre). The general production and the project’s coordination has been the responsibility of Gaztelupeko Hotsak, in charge of the disk’s publication and live performances.

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