Personal hallmark

January 20, 2014

On this ten-inch vinyl, Joseba B. Lenoir shifts closer
to the song format. Besides playing nearly all the instruments (guitars, bass,
keyboards, banjo, piano, etc.), he also takes responsibility for singing in
three of the four songs. Erraietatik erran is a strong reminder of the
loop songs of Neil Young & Crazy Horse, it goes on for just over four and a
half minutes but it could happily go on for half an hour and we wouldn’t grow
weary of hearing that chorus, those vocal groups and those raw guitars. In this
song Joseba B. Lenoir has had the help of Aitor Goikoetxea (ex-member of Berri
Txarrak, and currently with Sons of Wood) on drums.


In the other three songs it is Felix Buff (Willis
Drummond) who is collaborating with Joseba once again; he acquires great
prominence in Ez zaitut behar, a powerful blues-rock on the wavelength
of The Black Keys or The White Stripes in the early days. Tenpesta is the only instrumental number on the disc
and maybe that is why it is closer to Joseba’s previous work. It has a
narrative framework; it starts timidly with the bass, electric guitar and drums
as it tries to strike up a kind of dialogue in fits and starts until it is the
guitar that steps in to take us to the eye of the storm, and finally a lovely,
pleasant melody to restore the calm. The disc ends wtih Maltsu eta biluzik,
another example of Joseba’s capacity to produce timeless songs with a classical



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