Apoaren edertasuna




1. Loiolako porrusalda.
2. Zapatapean.
3. Bizi nahizen putzuak.
4. Igela idiari beha.
5. William Druryren balada.
6. Hezur hezearen kea.
7. Apokeriak.
8. Putzu guztiek dute hondoan apoa.  mp3
9. Bizi naizen utopia.

summer 1988

Story and lyrics: Koldo Izagirre.
Introductions: Koldo Izagirre
Diatonic accordion: Joseba Tapia.
Voice: Joseba Tapia.
Percussion: Joseba Tapia.
Drawings: Pablo Galarraga.
Technicians: Jonan Ordorika eta Anjel Katarain.

Book-album that combines both music and literature. It is the result of a highly creative meeting between the musician and the writer Koldo Izagirre, who wrote the story on which the Joseba Tapia‘s first solo album is based. Illustrations are by Pablo Galarraga. Apoaren edertasuna (The beauty of the toad) is a marvellous expression of irreverence full of colour, words and music.

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Disc Type: Liburua
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